
This is my forward to a project on R-Functions I am doing for discrete Math. TO most of you it wont make any sense but just in case you want to here me sound smart read on.

The basic concept of an R Function focuses primarily upon boolean mathematics, stating in its definition that an R-Function is completely determined by the signs of its arguments. This definition allows for an R-Function translation into a simple true or false statement. Or otherwise stating an R-Function's arguments will determine the function's value of True or False.
With the ability of an R-Function to be expressed in logical terms (True or False) it can be compared using the logical operators, AND, OR, and NOT. Allowing for a complex equation (or set) to be expressed and evaluated in regards to basic conditions. These properties make the R-Function ideal for evaluating primitive geometric objects. As simple or “primitive” geometric objects can be expressed in single equations or number sets, R functions allow for graphical analytically based differential equation comparisons as well as basic geometric figure calculations.
To equate principle shapes (or those most common such as the circle, triangle, pentagon etc.) using R-Functions it is necessary to break down what is being evaluated into is fundamental building blocks. Any shape can be modeled using these principle units. Principal units also hold unique properties in them selfs as hey can be expressed using algebraic elementary sets. As algebraic sets, the figures also have the ability to be evaluated using the logical operators, and thus can be represented in simple terms of true and false. The combination of the logical operator and the algebraic set allow for any fundamental function to be equated.
The idea of an R Function is still relatively new in the mathematics world today, however has brought new ways of thinking to the field of mathematics and it continues to offer news ways of solving abstract function's.