I can see whats Happening

Thanksgiving went well I didn't even burn anything (quite proud of myslef) not that i catually thought I would. Still our food was verry tasty, I think I will finish off the leftovers for lunch tommorow. I don't want to brag or anything but id be willing to bet it was the best meal anyone has had in their dorm room ever, or at least one of them. Just never make your little Cornish hen actually look like a happy dancing broadway play, I guess it freaks out those who are about to eat it, (inside story).

As for the overheating problem with the new computer welllll, the new heatsink did not fix it, the cpu is running a heck of allot cooler but games are still hardcrashing it, to tell you the truth i am actually starting to question my ability to fix this problem . I am quite simply running out of ideas for solution to the problem. Let me know if you can Think of anything (she runs everything else beautifully except for games). Its only stable in games when I unplug the external power for the video card and run it at a realy slow clock speed.

Well not much to report studying for finals has begun as in less then two weeks Ill be done. Man I can't wait for a real vacation. Anyway calsses are all going fairly well exceptf for Physics. Man that class is for people with IQ's of like a gigiallian bagillion. Let's just hope for my sake I can get a C in there so I can move on. I registered for a bunch of classes next semester already, got some JAVA programing Data Structures,Physics, Discrete Math, Government II and a couple of labs and what not. So far soo good in that respect too. God willing in a few days Ill be on a plane heading for home where text books dont exist (or at least dont exist in my mind).