RIP Flash drive

Nothing much to report, just everyday school every day. The next couple of weeks I am going to hit the books pretty hard in preparation for my final two tests (you know how it goes). The Sodexo continues to get worse as the semester progresses, I don’t know how they do it but they can always seem to make something more potent or more awful than before. Plus my USB Flash Drive took a crap along with the major english paper i have been working on for the last couple of days and the updates to ITOOLM. Not all is lost but a good chunk of both have to be rewritten.
Otherwise on the upside of things. Remember Freescale the company who I had to turn down the summer internship for, well they are offering a scholarship for a pretty good chunk of change. All I have to do is submit the resume and I think I have a pretty good chance of picking it up, since the company basically called the school and asked for me. I have to update the resume tonight and turn it in tomorrow afternoon.

I am getting a bit anxious to go home now. Its been a long time since Christmas. I just have to keep thinking only a few more weeks.