A gamers Manifesto

Although I don't agree with everything in here, overall, in the traditional X-Play scale I give it a 4 out of 5. The Gamers Minifesto. I highly reccomend giving this link a good look ("[UAV]").

Memorial Day Approaches

I came upon this link this afternoon and I highly reccomend reading it. Espically if you happen to be in a military position or even more narrowed a student in the military.

Where Have you been?

LAN Party!!!!! Fond du Lac’s Geeks called out to one another via Trillian, Phones and mind meld. “Dude, Gruening’s hosing a LAN U goin? Before long my basement was filled with some of Wisconsin most avid gamers. Although small we did manage to get a nice couple of rounds of Unreal Tournament 2K4, and lord behold after a three week leave of absence from playing games I was able to hold my own.
My sixteen days of home are coming to a quick and abrupt end. It seems only yesterday I was walking through Union Station waiting to walk though my front door. Seemingly endless 9:00 wakeup calls, good food, fishing, 24 hour gaming are all about to cease. All funniness set aside sorry I have really place SyNONYM on the back burner the past two weeks. Be it laziness, boredom, busyness, or plain ignorance, SyNONYM has suffered and for that I apologize from the bottom of my blog. Anyway I spent most of my time home running arons, sleeping, gaming you know, the usual have too much time on your hands stuff. I have some good blogs started a post about RFS (Rockets For Schools) but have not finished it yet. Hopefully I get it done before I have to Norfolk Virginia for my navy training this summer. I leave Thursday.
Speaking of which I am uncertain about how much updating SyNONYM will get in the next couple of weeks considering I am goin to be stuck doing Navy stuff the next four and a half weeks. Hopefully it all goes well. Ill be sure to get some posts in about it more likely more then a few posts.
Dang Its one AM and boy I am barley tired. But I definitely need to get my beauty sleep in before I get to Norfolk. Look for An RFS post tomorrow.


Where does the geek fit into history and the world well this article has the answer.

Misappropriated Star Wars Quotes: Episode II

11. "Sometimes you eat the wookiee, and sometimes, well, he eats you."
10. "No, Obi-Wan, I expect you to die!"
9. "One time... at clone camp..."
8. "My name is Luke Skywalker. You are my father. Prepare to die."
7. "I'm thinking about taking that new chick from Alderaan. If things go right I might be showing her my Obi-face. You know: Oh. Oh. Obi-wan."
6. "You're the Emperor? I thought you'd be taller."
5. "I'll get you, my Jedi... and your little droid R2!"
4. "Yes you did, Qui-Gon. You tried to fuck him. And Darth Maul don't like to be fucked by anybody, except Mrs. Maul."
3. "Saturday, Anakin, is Shabbos, the Jedi day of rest. That means that I don't duel, I don't get in a landspeeder, I don't ride in a landspeeder, I don't reprogram the droids, I don't turn on my lightsaber, and I sure as shit DONT FUCKING ROLL! SHOMER SHABBOS!"
2. "If you want to be a Jedi, you've got to REALLY hate the Empire"

"Let me put it this way. Have you ever heard of Yoda, Windu, Kenobi? Morons!"

Misappropriated Star Wars Quotes

11. "That's no moon. It's probably some kind of hunting lodge for rich weirdos."
10. "All right, but apart from the sanitation droids, bionic limbs, hyper-drive, moisture vaporators, galactic order, abolisment of slavery, star charts, the compact and efficient central government and interplanetary free trade, what has the Empire ever done for us?"
9. "Ani, do you like movies about Jedi Knights?"
7. "I have this friend and he waved his hand and told the cable guy you will give me free cable and then he got all the movie channels for free. You ever hear of anything like that?"
6. "The greatest trick the Sith Lords ever pulled was convincing the world they didn't exist."
5. "There's a big snake in the trash, Luke! I hate snakes!"
4. "Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the Death Star!"
3. "The first rule of the rebel alliance is we don't talk about the rebel alliance."
2. "You know, like light saber skills, mind control skills, droid hacking skills... Girls only want boyfriends who have great skills."

"I love my dead gay droid."


Ok sorry everybody its been a really longtimesincei last updated thins thing I have just been extreamly busey since I arriving back here. Also (our internet was down until today). Anyway Ill have a whole bunch of stuff to write about RFS Rockets for Schools this year and some good old home stories to add. But just to make sure you all did not think I died or anything I thought I better update ths thing. Well thats all for tonight I have to get up early tommorow and give some NASA Microgravity presentations to some middile school students. Time for bed.

Up the River and through the Woods

Up the River and through the Woods
“Part I”

Out from below the engine, a cloud of steam billowed into the already warm, diesel fuel choked air of Chicago’s Union Station. “All aboard” conductors called out from every direction, while the “clank clank ring ring” of incoming and departing trains added to the coordinated chaos. A good, but not great looking man, adorned in the traditional NAVY white summer uniform, wound his way through the seemingly endless loading dock of track number 23 toward gate B.

(“20 hours earlier”)

“All Aboard the Texas Eagle, service from Longview to Chicago have your tickets ready.”
I grabbed my carry on luggage consisting of my entire computer (with monitor) navy briefcase, and of course old faithful, you know him as Star Trek briefcase. Stepping up onto the double decker (Super Liner) Amtrak car; I placed them ever so carefully in the overhead and storage compartments walked up the Smurf size stairway and found my self a seat. A nice big one at that with nobody to share it with “Hell-yes” I thought to myself.

My watch said 1937 ahhh perfect, the sun was going down and I was getting sleepy.

Ever have that feeling where you are really tired but no matter what you cant fall asleep. Well I had it, and I had it for ohhhh lets see now about five f&*%^’n hours. I guess maybe because of pure exhaustion I finally fell asleep……. Anyway…..

The sun slowly crept up over the trees, through the large window, and into my eyes around 0600.

Surprised I was not drowning in a pool of drool. Like a new born giraffe I lifted my crusty eyelids, “Well some sleep is better then no sleep”

“Good morning ladies and gentlemen, I would like to now inform you that our dining car is now open and will begin seating immediately.” My brain was not hungry and was more interested in getting a few more hours of sleep in, but my stomach had other plans. Before I could come to my senses splurging a little for a decent breakfast I had ordered Eggs, sausage, some flapjacks plus a cup of morning JOE.

Those real eggs hit the tip of my tongue and my taste buds decided to throw a little party in my mouth, devouring every last speck of the wonderfully delicious train ride morning banquet. (In all actuality the meal could have been pretty bad, but compared to SODEXO a Snickers is a four course meal.

Finding no more tidbits anywhere left on my place I got up paid the bill, and walked over to the lounge car. The lounge car is in addition to a small snack bar on its lower level has an observation deck on the top. With one of those windows that start at your feet and curve around your head and come back down on the other side. I picked a nice seat in the middle or the car, and for the next few hours mindlessly starred at the raging Mississippi only feet from the train rails.

I left in almost a cold sweat when I heard something, a familiar sound… A really familiar sound.

“If you would like, for your entertainment, we are showing a movie today.. on both decks of the lounge car, the movie is entitled “Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events ”.

Farewell Dear PV

Well its official I'm done now despite coming down with the flu two days ago I sucessfully finished the rest of my tests this afternoon and am now ready to come home. I'll be leaving tommorow around 10. I should ave a good blog as I plan on using the 20 train ride to really hit up another ITOOLM or good post in general. Man my whole body aches to get home right now.

Here is my insane long schedule starting tommorow.

Departing: Houston, TX (HOS) To Milwaukee, WI (MKE)
6022 Bus
Departs: Houston, TX (HOS) 1:55 pm; 05-MAY-05
Arrives: Longview, TX (LVW) 6:30 pm; 05-MAY-05
Duration: 4h 35m

22 Texas Eagle
Departs: Longview, TX (LVW) 7:05 pm; 05-MAY-05
Arrives: Chicago - Union Station, IL (CHI) 2:19 pm; 06-MAY-05
Duration: 19h 14m

341 Hiawatha Service
Departs: Chicago - Union Station, IL (CHI) 8:05 pm; 06-MAY-05
Arrives: Milwaukee, WI (MKE) 9:37 pm; 06-MAY-05
Duration: 1h 32m

space shuttle replacement

Ok just what we have all been waiting for the replacement for the space shuttle. From the looks of things boeing has their work cut our for them if they are goin to compete with Lockheed Martin or Grumman.